Koe no Katachi Anime Movie Review

I watched Koe no Katachi a few weeks ago in the cinema. I absolutely loved it. It was very touching, emotional and relatable. It was about a deaf girl who was bullied by the main character and then after the girl had transferred to another school, the main character was bullied from his classmates and became a thorn in his school. He believed that it was a sin for doing bad things and isolated himself from the class. He's always a loner and one day, he met the girl whom he bullied during the primary school days and his time started moving.

Plot - After I saw the trailer, I immediately knew I need to watch this movie. But I watched the trailer during last year August and I couldn't wait till the movie come out. So I immediately read all the volumes of the manga in one night. So I knew what kind of plot they are showing and to be honest, I was a little bit disappointed in the anime. I know that the staff needed to squeeze the 7 volumes of manga into a 2 hour movie. So, they cut a lot of the scenes of the side characters. I believe that it was a huge mistake. When the stories of the side characters were cut drastically, you don't get to see the reason behind the growth of the characters and why this person do that. So, it was a bit disappointing but nonetheless, it was a good show.

Characters - I wish Nishiyama is less of a scared person. Even if she's really bad at socializing, she should try to express her feelings. Well, I can understand the character that the author is trying to develop. She overcoming her shyness and express more feelings is one of my main favorite thing that is from the manga. Ishida wise, I can feel and understand how he's going through. If I have to say something to the characters, Ishida maybe the most relatable person in the entire anime. I'm not saying that everyone can relate to Ishida because everyone has bullied someone before. It's just the way he feel about his guilt, his past and him trying to suicide is very relatable. He cannot let go of his part, he wants to end this pain that he's feeling all these years. Everyone might feel this kind of emotion in one form or another. You just want the pain to go away. Sometimes, you think that ending your life is the easiest way to end this pain without embracing it. For me, I felt like I'm looking at the mirror when I was looking at Ishida. Last time, I also kept running away from the pain and guilt without embracing it.
Opps, the review suddenly became so dark! Sorry..  

Music - Oh wow, I loved the soundtracks. But I think they should control the pitches and the loudness of the soundtrack. Sometimes, it's too loud and sometimes it's too soft. Sometimes, it suddenly became high pitch when the plot should be soft. So, that's my only reason. Sometimes, these little mistakes can turn me off.

Art - I loved the art. It's very cute and beautifully drawn. I also loved the art from the manga but I love the art of the anime way better though. It's really nicely drawn.

Overall, it was really a good watch. It has complicated emotions included in 2 hours of anime and the characters and the voice actors conveyed very well for the audience. But I still enjoy the manga a little bit better just because it has more information and reasons.

Sometimes, I think the story itself is very good. I just wish they made this anime into a series anime rather than a movie. It'll be more effective to tell how good the story is. Now I feel it's a bit rushed and unfinished with the movie setting.

Anyways, I recommend you to watch it. It was a 8 out of 10 for me. 

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