Attack on Titan Season 2 Episode 1「First Impression」

To be honest, I wasn't hyped about this second season at all until 2 days before the show came out. I was scrolling through what doujin to read and I found some Shingeki no Kyojin BL stuff so I started reading and you guessed it right! I was hooked! *nosebleeding*

After 4 years of making the season two, I didn't know what it'll be all about because I don't read the freaking manga and I totally forgot about the first season. Luckily, the first episode went with some serious confusions.

Plot - Since it's a sequel of the first season, I had no idea what I'll be shown and it kinda exceeded my expectation. What is that beast like titan, how come there's a titan in the wall?, where do all the titans come from, how come the beast titan can talk??? Omg what is happening!
Those are my thoughts watching the first episode of Shingeki no Kyojin season 2! I was freaking confused.

Character - So far, I don't see any new characters added but the character development is minimal. Now, Levi had to step down for a bit since he's injured and Armin and Hange is getting smarter and getting closer to find some theories behind. So as of episode 1, I don't see much character development.

Music/Soundtrack - OP - Shinzou wo sasage yo is much better than the previous OPs. ED is a bit meh for me. Not really my type of music for the ED.

Art - As usual, titans are creepy AF! But somehow, they are showing more feelings than usual. If it is season 1, titans just eat and eat and eat people. Now, the art is very gentle on the titans. So it was more like gentle but creepy AF. I find the art is at top notch so no complaints there.

Will I be watching? - HELL YEAH!
Will I be blogging? - Sure! I don't see why not. I just hope I don't drop it in the middle of the season.
Will I recommend? - Well, from the first episode, I highly recommend it. It has some twitch around the series and I think this time round, it'll explain a lot of stuff that season 1 didn't explain. 
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