Clockwork Planet Episode 1「First Impression」

I was keen on watching this anime when the PV first came out and after watching around a few minutes worth of this anime for the first time, I kinda dropped immediately. Then, today, since I have finished my final exams, I decided to give some anime that I haven't watched a go and here I am, watching this anime. I feel bad for my readers because I haven't written much of the first impressions series much because of my finals but I'll be powering through a lot of first impression episodes from now on so, please read again.
So, let's start with the plot.
Plot - Naoto is a normal high school boy who has very good ears. One day, one coffin like box dropped from the sky in his home and when he opened the box, he saw a beautiful girl asleep in the box. Being obsessed to be a clock master, he loves repairing clocks. When he listened the girl, who is a robot made up of gears, he repaired her loose gear and the girl awakes.
Well, this is the easiest way I can summarize the plot for episode 1. The plot is quite complicated but it's kinda enjoyable. There's also some ecchi parts included in the plot and well, I should say that it came out when I was not expecting at all. All in all, it was interesting to watch.

Characters - Naoto is a guy who talks about what he has in mind without thinking the consequences. I kinda like that kind of character but he was a bit of an extreme person that made me feel a bit 'urgh, the main character is annoying'. RyuZu, an automaton (a robot made up of gears?), is quite sharp with her use of words and together they make an awesome comedy yet cute couple to watch. So far, I don't know much about other characters to talk more yet.

Soundtrack/Music - OP - I like the OP. It's really my type of music that I like to listen but it's not a masterpiece though. I like to listen but not on repeat for a few weeks.
ED - ED song is a bit meh for me. It is indeed a good song but not really what I like. If I have to choose between the OP and ED, I prefer the OP.
Art - Wow, the people who draw all these gears, I'll give prompts to you. Drawing lots of gears are not fun at all. But, for the art, it was really awesome. The character design is very cute though if Naoto were a little bit taller, I'll like him even more. I guess, he was like that because of the character traits I guess. If the character design is made a bit taller, his traits will not match the character I guess. Can't be helped. (._.)

Will I be watching? - Yeah.
Will I be blogging? - I'll give it a go.
Will I recommend? - I think it's a nice show to watch. If you like comedy and a bit of fighting/action type, I recommend it. If you also like gears especially, I think you'll like this show since they show a lot of gear parts.
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