Tsuki ga Kirei Episode 1「First Impression」

The anime was soothing to watch. After watching this episode, the first thing that came to my mind was "why is this so hyped?" I didn't get the reason for being so hyped up by quite a lot of people. I can see that it is really cute to watch but at the same time, I feel that the anime pace is really slow. 

Plot - According to MAL, the plot seems to be just a romance story that looks over the two main characters and see how they form relationships and overcome the challenges that are being faced while getting mature with time. 
As I said earlier, I felt that the pace of this anime is really slow yet, I couldn't stop watching. Currently, by the time I'm writing this post, the anime has produced four episodes. When I first started watching it, I realised it was really slow so I was planning to drop it but for some reason, I couldn't stop watching these four episodes. It is like watching the couple's daily activities and I was drawn to it. 

Characters - Both of the main characters are so cute and so pure. So far, I have nothing much to talk yet but I really like how they portray the feelings and emotions of each person.  
Sountrack/Music - I really like the OP of the anime. It's hip yet addicting to listen. The ending wise, it's okay to listen but it's not a song that I'll listen on repeat.

Art - Ohhh my gawd, the art is amazing. It's the whole other story when it comes to art. It's really amazing to look at especially when it comes to background. If you have been following my blogs, I pay a lot of attention to the background because I, myself is a self-claimed photographer and I tend to shoot landscape photography whenever I can. So, I pay a lot of attention to beautiful background that inspires me to shoot photographs more.
Character design wise is really interesting for me. It's a lot different than what I'm used to for the style of art for the characters and it's really refreshing to see in conjunction with the background that they have chosen. Another thing that I want to talk is the way they the anime motion is made or in other words, film-making. I'm trying really hard to produce high quality films so the angle that the staff is using, the way the characters move and the way the camera (motion) is being used to film is very intriguing to watch.

Will I be watching? - Well, I'll be watching. Since, I've already watched four episodes, I'm curious to see how the two main characters are going.
Will I be blogging? - I'll be writing a review after the show is over. 
Will I recommend? - If you like a romance story, this will be your cup of tea. If you don't, I still recommend you to give it a shot since the art style is so good. It's worth to watch if you want calming, heartwarming show to watch after a long day.

Natsume Yuujinchou Roku Episode 1「First Impression」

Ever since the very first anime came out, I've been following this anime for many years. Even though I'm not a fan of horror movies, this anime is considered to be super natural yet heartwarming experience while watching the first five seasons of this anime. So, my expectation of knowing Natsume more and his grandmother, Reiko-san, more is what I was expecting from this anime. I find that there were many questions that are needed to be answered.

Plot - This anime is about a boy named Natsume Takashi who can see ghosts/monsters「綾香氏」and he inherited this book of friends 「夏目友人帳」where the book contains the list of names of monsters Reiko defeated during her time and when someone call the names, the monsters will serve at whom the person called. Therefore, a lot of monsters wanted this book to rule the monsters that were listed in the book and for those whose names where taken by Reiko, wants their named to be returned. Natsume made his mission to return the names of the monsters inside the book while running from dangers that he faced.

The thing about this anime is that you don't really need to know the previous seasons of anime since the anime is made like watching short stories in each episode. So, don't be intimidated by the amount of series that they have. From what I've seen from the opening, the anime will go on with Natsume finding more about his grandmother, looking back on his past and understand himself more and yet continue to look forward to the future hoping to find the place for him where he protects his family and friends. His struggle between protecting his loved ones and wanting to tell what is going on with his life is one thing I love to see more and him finding the answer is what I want from this Natsume Yuujinchou series.
Characters - Natsume is one of my all time favorite, characters wise. He has very kind yet complex emotions of his ability to see monsters, his family background, his relationships with both humans and monsters.  
Taki and Tanuma - Natsume's close friends and the only friends from school who knows Natsume's ability to see monsters. I love that Taki and Tanuma is very supportive of Natsume and wanting to help but not able to help properly due to not being able to see like Natsume. But they were happy that Natsume depending on them bit by bit and opening up to them little by little.
Nyanko-Sensei - Natsume's pet cat and the monster that he promised to give the book of friends when he dies. I absolutely love Nyanko-sensei when he's in the fully monster form and his emotions for Natsume is very exciting to watch.
Music/Soundtrack - OP - This OP has become one of my favorite songs of all time. I really like the voice of Tomohisa Sako (Shounen-T) since very long time ago and the lyrics and the visuals.... (omg, I'm fangirling to this OP)
ED - It's quite good. It didn't made me listen to the song repeatedly like OP did to me. Overall, it's still in the top 10 ending songs of Spring 2017 though.

Art - Omg, the art is getting better and better every season. I absolutely love the backgrounds and they really impressed me during the OP of this season.

Will I be watching? - YES! This is one of my favorite anime series to watch. 
Will I be blogging? - I'll do a review when the series ends. I'll be doing for the previous series too.
Will I recommend? - YESSSS! I highly recommend to anyone. The visuals are great, the plot is really good. You don't really need to watch the previous series to know what's going on. I really recommend you to try watching the first few episodes. 

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Episode 1「First Impression」

This is one of the anime that I was looking forward to the most since I started watching Naruto when I was young and I started watching again recently during my final exams. I got hooked onto the characters during the Boruto: Naruto the Movie, so I was really looking forward to how Boruto would act.

First Impressions - Never did I think that Boruto: Naruto Next Generations would start before Boruto attends the Ninja Academy. I thought they would continue from the movie since the manga continued from the movie.

Plot - As I said earlier, I really loved Naruto so seeing Naruto and Hinata's son growing up is like seeing my friend gets married and have kids and looking at the kids grow old. It made me feel that I'm becoming very old (lol). Well, anyways, from the episode 1, Boruto is still the kid who doesn't like Naruto, his father, since Naruto cannot pay attention to the family since he became Hokage. Being Hokage seems a very troublesome job. Boruto feels that his family is being neglected by Naruto who is always working so he doesn't really pay respect to Naruto.

Characters - Since Boruto is taking a lead in this series of anime, he already know some of the ninjutsu. I guess it's because either Naruto or Hinata taught Boruto some basic Ninjutsu when he was young. Even before Boruto goes to the Ninja Academy, he already knew how to make Kage Bushin (Shadow Clones) and so on. I haven't really seen Sakura and Sasuke's daughter currently so I can't really tell much from Ep. 1.

Music/Soundtrack - OP - I really like the OP. It's been one of my favorite songs this season. It's really hip and great tempo.
ED - Since the characters were talking in the ending, I decided to leave the ED totally and listen to it when it's a proper song.

Art - The art style is totally different from Naruto so, it was really refreshing to see. It has a lot more gag type drawings that cracks me up most of the time. Especially, Naruto's facial expressions are a lot different from the Naruto that I'm used to so, it's really interesting.

Will I be watching? - YES. I don't know how many episodes will Boruto get but I'm planning to watch as much as I can.
Will I be blogging? - I'm not really sure. I think I'll do a review for the anime when it finishes.
Will I recommend? - If you are a die hard Naruto fan, I highly recommend you to watch this series. If you are new to Naruto (Where have you been in this planet?), I also recommend you to start watching it to follow Boruto's journey.

Kenka Banchou Otome: Girl Beats Boys Episode 1 「First Impression」

One look, the characters are absolutely hot! #kyaaaa 
At first, I thought it was BL anime, then I saw the Shoujo tag. So, yup, you guessed it, it's reverse harem and gender bender anime. Another shocking fact is that this anime only airs for 8 minutes. 

Plot -  I guess from episode 1, I can see that Hikaru (not real name) is a girl who enrolls to this high school in place of someone named Onigashima Hikaru. This Hikaru told her to enroll in this particular high school and become top of the school. Little did she know that the high school that she was about to attend is the school full of delinquents. 
I find the plot to be normal game-setting plot. Well, it's interesting how they managed to grab the audiences' attention from the plot alone. I'm not hyped as a lot of other people did but I found it pretty interesting to continue watching. For me, I'm more curious on what the real Hikaru will do since he's not going to school anymore. Become a NEET? (lol)

Characters - So far, I only see Hikaru (girl), and a few other people. I love the fact that even though the characters are super famous for being delinquents, they are kind and funny people. I hope the main character shows more emotion though. I think it can't be helped since it is from Visual Novel, where stereotype main characters usually show very less emotions (please correct me if I'm wrong.) 

Soundtrack/Music - OP & ED - I like the OP and ED a lot. If I have to choose between them, I prefer the OP more. Both songs were sung by the same artists.

Art - I find the art pretty normal. Character designs are pretty normal but I really like how they draw the backgrounds. I like the person with dark blue hair (Kira Rintarou) especially on his character design. Another interesting character design is the person with the white hair (Mirako Yuuta).

Will I be watching? - I can't resist the hot guys. The girl herself is pretty hot too.
Will I be blogging? - I'll blog about it after I finish this season. 
Will I recommend? - If you like hot guys, I highly recommend. So far, it's really interesting. I want to know how she get into this troublesome situation and I want to see who the actual Hikaru is. 


Clockwork Planet Episode 1「First Impression」

I was keen on watching this anime when the PV first came out and after watching around a few minutes worth of this anime for the first time, I kinda dropped immediately. Then, today, since I have finished my final exams, I decided to give some anime that I haven't watched a go and here I am, watching this anime. I feel bad for my readers because I haven't written much of the first impressions series much because of my finals but I'll be powering through a lot of first impression episodes from now on so, please read again.
So, let's start with the plot.
Plot - Naoto is a normal high school boy who has very good ears. One day, one coffin like box dropped from the sky in his home and when he opened the box, he saw a beautiful girl asleep in the box. Being obsessed to be a clock master, he loves repairing clocks. When he listened the girl, who is a robot made up of gears, he repaired her loose gear and the girl awakes.
Well, this is the easiest way I can summarize the plot for episode 1. The plot is quite complicated but it's kinda enjoyable. There's also some ecchi parts included in the plot and well, I should say that it came out when I was not expecting at all. All in all, it was interesting to watch.

Characters - Naoto is a guy who talks about what he has in mind without thinking the consequences. I kinda like that kind of character but he was a bit of an extreme person that made me feel a bit 'urgh, the main character is annoying'. RyuZu, an automaton (a robot made up of gears?), is quite sharp with her use of words and together they make an awesome comedy yet cute couple to watch. So far, I don't know much about other characters to talk more yet.

Soundtrack/Music - OP - I like the OP. It's really my type of music that I like to listen but it's not a masterpiece though. I like to listen but not on repeat for a few weeks.
ED - ED song is a bit meh for me. It is indeed a good song but not really what I like. If I have to choose between the OP and ED, I prefer the OP.
Art - Wow, the people who draw all these gears, I'll give prompts to you. Drawing lots of gears are not fun at all. But, for the art, it was really awesome. The character design is very cute though if Naoto were a little bit taller, I'll like him even more. I guess, he was like that because of the character traits I guess. If the character design is made a bit taller, his traits will not match the character I guess. Can't be helped. (._.)

Will I be watching? - Yeah.
Will I be blogging? - I'll give it a go.
Will I recommend? - I think it's a nice show to watch. If you like comedy and a bit of fighting/action type, I recommend it. If you also like gears especially, I think you'll like this show since they show a lot of gear parts.

Koe no Katachi Anime Movie Review

I watched Koe no Katachi a few weeks ago in the cinema. I absolutely loved it. It was very touching, emotional and relatable. It was about a deaf girl who was bullied by the main character and then after the girl had transferred to another school, the main character was bullied from his classmates and became a thorn in his school. He believed that it was a sin for doing bad things and isolated himself from the class. He's always a loner and one day, he met the girl whom he bullied during the primary school days and his time started moving.

Plot - After I saw the trailer, I immediately knew I need to watch this movie. But I watched the trailer during last year August and I couldn't wait till the movie come out. So I immediately read all the volumes of the manga in one night. So I knew what kind of plot they are showing and to be honest, I was a little bit disappointed in the anime. I know that the staff needed to squeeze the 7 volumes of manga into a 2 hour movie. So, they cut a lot of the scenes of the side characters. I believe that it was a huge mistake. When the stories of the side characters were cut drastically, you don't get to see the reason behind the growth of the characters and why this person do that. So, it was a bit disappointing but nonetheless, it was a good show.

Characters - I wish Nishiyama is less of a scared person. Even if she's really bad at socializing, she should try to express her feelings. Well, I can understand the character that the author is trying to develop. She overcoming her shyness and express more feelings is one of my main favorite thing that is from the manga. Ishida wise, I can feel and understand how he's going through. If I have to say something to the characters, Ishida maybe the most relatable person in the entire anime. I'm not saying that everyone can relate to Ishida because everyone has bullied someone before. It's just the way he feel about his guilt, his past and him trying to suicide is very relatable. He cannot let go of his part, he wants to end this pain that he's feeling all these years. Everyone might feel this kind of emotion in one form or another. You just want the pain to go away. Sometimes, you think that ending your life is the easiest way to end this pain without embracing it. For me, I felt like I'm looking at the mirror when I was looking at Ishida. Last time, I also kept running away from the pain and guilt without embracing it.
Opps, the review suddenly became so dark! Sorry..  

Music - Oh wow, I loved the soundtracks. But I think they should control the pitches and the loudness of the soundtrack. Sometimes, it's too loud and sometimes it's too soft. Sometimes, it suddenly became high pitch when the plot should be soft. So, that's my only reason. Sometimes, these little mistakes can turn me off.

Art - I loved the art. It's very cute and beautifully drawn. I also loved the art from the manga but I love the art of the anime way better though. It's really nicely drawn.

Overall, it was really a good watch. It has complicated emotions included in 2 hours of anime and the characters and the voice actors conveyed very well for the audience. But I still enjoy the manga a little bit better just because it has more information and reasons.

Sometimes, I think the story itself is very good. I just wish they made this anime into a series anime rather than a movie. It'll be more effective to tell how good the story is. Now I feel it's a bit rushed and unfinished with the movie setting.

Anyways, I recommend you to watch it. It was a 8 out of 10 for me. 

Zero Kara Hajimaru Mahou no Sho Episode 1 「First Impression」

Well, this anime is another adaptation from Light novel series and to be honest, I wasn't that excited about it. I didn't put in my 20 Anime from Spring 2017 that I'm excited to watch list. But when it came out, I decided to give it a go. Well, very first five minutes is not that exciting. I was debating on continuing the episode but I decided to stick with it. I feel like I made the right decision though.

Plot - I didn't have no idea what this anime is about. I didn't read the synopsis nor watch the PV which I embedded below. The plot turns out to be this beast who is running from humans and witches because he is considered as a rare creature that is worth a lot of money. So a lot of humans and witches want to kill him so that they get the money. On the other hand, Zero, who is a witch travelling alone looking for a book that someone named "Thirteen" from her. They met and Zero asked the beast to be her body guard in turn, she'll convert him back to human being. Then they met a boy who was trying to kill the beast with magic. Zero stopped him from using magic asking where he learnt it. The boy answered that he learnt from the grimoire of zero. Zero said that is the book she was trying to get back and she was the one who wrote the book.

Characters - From the first episode, I cannot really say much about the three characters. I realized that Zero seems strong and the beast has a very kind heart despite of him being a beast. The beast is easy to get really red when Zero teased him. I wonder how will the characters develop from episode 2 onward. I'm looking forward to it.

Well, with the characters like this, there'll be so many doujins coming out very soon I guess. Him very unique. *wink*

Music/Soundtrack - ED - 「Hajimari no Shirushi」by Chima. It was nice to listen to but not a master piece.

Art -  The beast is so cute! The way it is drawn and how he reacts to what Zero told him is very cute. So far, I'm really impressed with the backgrounds. The way the team draws the background is very beautiful. The character design wise, well, I should say it's pretty normal. Nothing very jaw dropping so far.

Will I be watching? - I don't see why not.
Will I be blogging? - I'm not sure.
Will I recommend? - I think you should give it a go. So far, I can't really say whether it's really good or not. As I always say, if you have time, give it a go! I think you'll enjoy a different perspective on how ware-beasts are treated.


Attack on Titan Season 2 Episode 1「First Impression」

To be honest, I wasn't hyped about this second season at all until 2 days before the show came out. I was scrolling through what doujin to read and I found some Shingeki no Kyojin BL stuff so I started reading and you guessed it right! I was hooked! *nosebleeding*

After 4 years of making the season two, I didn't know what it'll be all about because I don't read the freaking manga and I totally forgot about the first season. Luckily, the first episode went with some serious confusions.

Plot - Since it's a sequel of the first season, I had no idea what I'll be shown and it kinda exceeded my expectation. What is that beast like titan, how come there's a titan in the wall?, where do all the titans come from, how come the beast titan can talk??? Omg what is happening!
Those are my thoughts watching the first episode of Shingeki no Kyojin season 2! I was freaking confused.

Character - So far, I don't see any new characters added but the character development is minimal. Now, Levi had to step down for a bit since he's injured and Armin and Hange is getting smarter and getting closer to find some theories behind. So as of episode 1, I don't see much character development.

Music/Soundtrack - OP - Shinzou wo sasage yo is much better than the previous OPs. ED is a bit meh for me. Not really my type of music for the ED.

Art - As usual, titans are creepy AF! But somehow, they are showing more feelings than usual. If it is season 1, titans just eat and eat and eat people. Now, the art is very gentle on the titans. So it was more like gentle but creepy AF. I find the art is at top notch so no complaints there.

Will I be watching? - HELL YEAH!
Will I be blogging? - Sure! I don't see why not. I just hope I don't drop it in the middle of the season.
Will I recommend? - Well, from the first episode, I highly recommend it. It has some twitch around the series and I think this time round, it'll explain a lot of stuff that season 1 didn't explain. 

20 Anime from Spring 2017 that I'm excited to watch

This season is super hyped from a lot of people since it has many anticipated continuations of epic shows and I'm one of them. When I saw the list of Spring 2017 from MAL, I was super pumped to watch!

Attack on Titan

Boruto - Naruto Next Generations 

Boku no Hero Academia Saison 2

Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records

Eromanga Sensei

Renai Bokun

Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata

Sakurada Reset

Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism

Tsuki ga Kirei

Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai


Seikaisuru Kado

Fukumenkei Noise

Natsume Yuujinchou Roku

Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine

Souryo to Majiwaru Shikiyoku no Yoru ni

Kenka Banchou Otome: Girl Beats Boys

Frame Arms Girls

Starmyu 2nd Season


So, this is my 20 anime that I can't wait to watch! Well, but first, I got final exams for the first trimester so I'll be busy studying. I want to watch anime so much now. >.<

How about you? Let me and other readers know!

7 Anime from Winter 2017 that I'm looking forward to

Since it is time for Winter 2017 anime, there are some anime that I'm looking forward to. I usually watch all anime that come out each season, I tend to look at the seasonal chart and look forward excitedly even before the anime come out. Therefore, today, I want to share what Winter 2017 seasonal anime that I'm looking forward to.

Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen

Masamune-kun no revenge

Kuzu no Honkai

Chaos; Child

Super Lovers 2

Spirit Pact

One Room

So, these are the ones that I'm looking forward to this Winter 2017. What anime are you watching now? Let me know!

Eromanga-Sensei Episode 1「First Impression」

My first impressions were "omg another oreimo type anime!"

Well, can't be helped, this light novel is written by the same author as Oreimo. Even the OP is sung by ClariS. The opening is called "Hitorigoto (ヒトリゴト)" by ClariS. I find the OP not bad but not the greatest song ever though.

Let's talk about what I really think about the anime. To be honest, I'm never really a light novel reader since my Japanese is still not a level of reading kanji properly so I always stick with manga. I'm an avid reader of manga and I have no complaints. I haven't read the manga but I'm pretty sure what kind of plot will be from the synopsis and the trailer.

Plot - I find it pretty typical for light novels which is a genre in Comedy, Drama and Romance according to MAL, having some form of shut-in otaku drawing manga or play games non-stop. From the first impressions, the plot is nothing special to me as it seems pretty typical among others. Well, I decided that this anime will be pretty good to watch when I'm super tired and my brain is not working. It seems fun to watch the siblings fight for ecchi and light novel related stuff which  I don't really see in western countries.

Characters - So far, I only see 2 people as a major characters. Masamune and Saigiri. Let me tell you, Saigiri is so cute! Her tsundere part is so moe for me. She's quite sharp with her words but the way she interact with Masamune is very cute. Masamune on the other hand, I find that he's a pretty typical main character. Coming from Oreimo, although the plot is not entirely identical, there're some parts that I find it similar.

Music/Sound - OP is good but it's not the op that made me listen on repeat. ED is 「adrenaline!!!」by TrySail. If I have to comment on whether I like the ED, I'd say meh~. I don't really like it but I don't hate it either. I don't really feel anything about the song.

Art - The drawing is extremely typical. 「ごめんね~」But when you watch Oreimo, I find the drawing quite similar so can't help but say it's quite similar. But sometimes, it surprises me with ecchi scenes about Saigiri's butt and such so it made me nosebleed.
Overall - Well, I really enjoyed it. It was a show to watch when I just wanted to enjoy the show without thought provoking.

Will I be watching? - I'll give it a go~
Will I be blogging? - TBA
Will I recommend? -  If you have time and you don't mind some quirky anime that is funny, from the first episode, I'd say go ahead. Otherwise, I'll say just skip it. There are a tonne of good ones beside this anime this season.

Fast and Furious 8 Review

Well, today, I went ahead and watched the much anticipated Fast and Furious 8 movie starring Vin Diesel. My reaction was only one word, "WHATTTTT!?"

As you all know, this year's movie is the eighth movie from Fast and Furious franchise and they have been getting better and better at it. After the death of Paul Walker, I thought the franchise will have some difficulties producing a new movie because of Paul's passing. Well, after the 7th, which was epic, this movie turns 180 degrees around and made Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) the main enemy his family is facing. Well, I didn't watch the trailer so I went in with my blindfolds on and the concept made me off guard. 

The actual movie wise, well, it was good! It made the audience not able to turn the eyes from the screen, had moments where the audience had some laughter in some situations and some cases pissed off at Toretto for betraying his family which was pretty much the main concept of the franchise. I thought "why are they throwing away the relationship and hard work they put in to build this "family" so easily?" The plot is hella messy. Toretto betraying the family was not enough, they had to put some woman hacker hacking multiple lethal weapons and trying to bomb the hell out to the entire planet.

The actual character development is minimal but Toretto's past is dark as always. The way he act in the movie is like a guy who is trying to carry all of the weight of his past and couldn't move on. I find it cute for the team interacting without Toretto for some reason. I find they had more freedom while messing with each other. It maybe due to new members of the team and I found it hilarious. 

Well, I'm not sure you'll consider this as a spoiler but when Toretto returned to the family, Letty welcomed him with the hugs and kisses. I actually wanted her to punch Toretto (lol) before she actually went and hug him. 

The choice of the movie's music is always a weak spot for me. During FF7, I really liked a few songs from them including the famous "See you Again" but this time round, I love "Good Life" and "Hey Ma" 

The soundtracks are not bad and they actually felt perfect with the movie. 

So, overall - 
Plot - 4.5 / 5
Characters - 3.5 / 5
Music - 4 / 5
Overall -  4 / 5
Here are the trailers.

6 Anime movies from Winter 2017 that I'm super excited about

Sword Art Online Movie - Ordinal Scale 

Kuroshitsuji Movie - Book of Atlantic

Kuroko no Basket - Last Game

Kurotetsujou no Kabaneri Soushuuhen 2 - Moeru Inochi

Kizumonogatari III - Reiketsu-hen

Trinity Seven Movie: Eternity Library to Alchemic Girl

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