Fairy Tail Dragon Cry Movie Review

Today, I went to watch Fairy Tail "Dragon Cry" in cinema with my friend. I had some expectation from this movie because I saw the PV, which I embedded at the end. I was thinking from the trailer that this movie will be all about Natsu trying to find Igneel, the dragon that Natsu have been looking for a long time. When I saw the movie, the story line is completely different and I was surprised with it.

Plot - According to MAL, "Dragon Cry is a magical artifact of deadly power, formed into a staff by the fury and despair of dragons long gone. Now, this power has been stolen from the hands of the Fiore kingdom by the nefarious traitor Zash Caine, who flees with it to the small island nation of Stella. Frightened that the power has fallen into the wrong hands, the King of Fiore hastily sends Fairy Tail to retrieve the staff. But this task proves frightening as a shadowy secret lies in the heart of the kingdom of Stella. Dragon Cry follows their story as they muster up all their strength to recover the stolen staff and save both kingdoms."

When I watched the anime, my understanding was like this. "Someone stole this staff called Dragon Cry by this traitor to Fiore kingdom called Zash, he went and work under the King of Stella and who demanded to get the Dragon Cry for his selfish use. Natsu and the others were assigned to get back that stolen staff and Natsu found that the staff was extremely dangerous."

It was easy to watch though. But I wished that they link the anime better than they did. It was nice to watch but I kinda hoped they connected the movie better. It was dry to watch too. There were a lot of ups and downs with this anime. When I see some exciting fighting scene and some time later, they cut the fighting scene and went to another person. I was like riding a roller coaster.

Characters - There were very little character development. If you are a fan of the Fairy Tail anime series, you'll know who the group is. The few things I found interesting were the human version of Charles and the half-dragon version of Natsu. Others, nothing much.

Music - It was the same as the anime series so nothing much. I like the credit song from Polka Dots titled "What you are", that one was not bad to listen. But not my holy grail song though.

Art & Animation - Oh boy, I don't even know where to start. First of all, I find that the quality of this movie is not consistent. When I saw it was done by A-1 Pictures, I was praying to be a good one since A1 got some hits and misses throughout the years. But this movie turned out to be in the "miss" category. The fighting scenes seems nothing spectacular.

Merchandise - I got a Fairy Tail file from the cinema and I thought it was a good service. I got some cardboard bags during SAO and I thought it was very unusable and just being a clutter to my room so when I saw this file, I was happy with it since I can use it for my university.

Overall, this movie was a miss for me. It was neither a good show nor a bad show. It was okay if you were watching online from Crunchyroll but since you are paying S$13 to watch this movie, I find it was not worth to watch it in cinema.

For rating wise, I give 5 (Average) out of 10.

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